/* 404CTF */

404CTF Writeup - Cryptography

Jun 20, 2023 · 10 min read


This challenge is pretty straightforward. We are given a sequence of bytes and instructions to decode them.

Step 1: Hexadecimal decoding

const sequence =
  "32 69 31 73 34 69 31 73 31 35 64 31 6f 34 39 69 31 6f 34 64 31 6f 33 69 31 6f 31 35 64 31 6f 32 32 64 31 6f 32 30 64 31 6f 31 39 69 31 6f 37 64 31 6f 35 64 31 6f 32 69 31 6f 35 35 69 31 6f 31 64 31 6f 31 39 64 31 6f 31 37 64 31 6f 31 38 64 31 6f 32 39 69 31 6f 31 32 69 31 6f 32 36 69 31 6f 38 64 31 6f 35 39 64 31 6f 32 37 69 31 6f 36 64 31 6f 31 37 69 31 6f 31 32 64 31 6f 37 64 31 6f 35 69 31 6f 31 64 31 6f 32 64 31 6f 31 32 69 31 6f 39 64 31 6f 32 36 64 31 6f";
const step1 = sequence
  .split(" ")
  .map((x) => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(x, 16)))

Step 2: Expand to Eliminate Digits

Notice how the result of step1 is a sequence of numbers followed by either i, d, s or o. The goal of this step is to repeat a character by the number that precedes it. The result is indicated by step 3 is a DeadFish code.

Deadfish is an esoteric programming language similar to Brainfuck.

const parseOne = (sequence, i, d = "") =>
  sequence[i] <= "9" && sequence[i] >= "0"
    ? parseOne(sequence, i + 1, d + sequence[i])
    : [+d, sequence[i], i + 1];
let index = 0;
let step2 = "";
while (index < step1.length) {
  const [count, char, nextIndex] = parseOne(step1, index);
  step2 += char.repeat(count);
  index = nextIndex;


Step 3: Decode DeadFish

In this step, we can write our own DeadFish interpreter (very simple) or use one online.

But because I’m efficient 😎, I’m using an already made one from dCode.

This gives us the following string: 1b^aR<(;4/1hgTC1NZtl1LFWKDIHFRI/

Step 4: Decode base85

Same stuff, in a different dCode page.

The flag is: 404CTF{M4igr3t_D3_c4naRd}

Dessine-moi une courbe elliptique

In this challenge, we are provided with two files:

We can see that the flag is encrypted using the AES algorithm in CBC mode, with a random initialization vector and a key equal to the sum of the parameters of an elliptic curve.

In the data file, we have:

To solve the challenge, we have to find the parameters ‘a’ and ‘b’ of the elliptic curve, which will give us back the key used to encrypt the flag

Remember that the equation of an elliptic curve parameterized by a and b is given by: y^2 = x^3 + ax + b.

Since we’re two points on the curve, this is a simple linear system of 2 unknowns. We can use an online tool for this, but I just wrote the equations in python because it isn’t really complicated:

import hashlib
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

p = 231933770389389338159753408142515592951889415487365399671635245679612352781

G = [
  93808707311515764328749048019429156823177018815962831703088729905542530725, 144188081159786866301184058966215079553216226588404139826447829786378964579

H = [
  139273587750511132949199077353388298279458715287916158719683257616077625421, 30737261732951428402751520492138972590770609126561688808936331585804316784

a = ((pow(G[1], 2, p) - pow(H[1], 2, p)) - (pow(G[0], 3, p) - pow(H[0], 3, p)))*pow(G[0] - H[0], -1, p) % p
b = (pow(G[1], 2, p) - pow(G[0], 3, p) - a * G[0]) % p

assert pow(G[1], 2, p) == (pow(G[0], 3, p) + a*G[0] + b) % p
assert pow(H[1], 2, p) == (pow(H[0], 3, p) + a*H[0] + b) % p
print(a, b)

iv = bytes.fromhex("00b7822a196b00795078b69fcd91280d")
key = str(a) + str(b)
encrypted = bytes.fromhex("8233d04a29befd2efb932b4dbac8d41869e13ecba7e5f13d48128ddd74ea0c7085b4ff402326870313e2f1dfbc9de3f96225ffbe58a87e687665b7d45a41ac22")
aes = AES.new(hashlib.sha1(key.encode()).digest()[:16], AES.MODE_CBC, IV=iv)
flag = aes.decrypt(encrypted)
# 404CTF{70u735_l35_gr4nd35_p3r50nn3s_0nt_d_@b0rd_373_d35_3nf4n7s}

And the flag is: 404CTF{70u735_l35_gr4nd35_p3r50nn3s_0nt_d_@b0rd_373_d35_3nf4n7s}

Le jour de l’espace

In this challenge, we have access to an encryption oracle and a message encrypted by this oracle: ueomaspblbppadgidtfn. To solve this challenge, we need to analyze how this oracle works and then decrypt the given message.

The first thing we notice about the encryption oracle is that the ciphertext’s length is always a multiple of 5 and only produces lower-case characters from a to y. The oracle acts like a block cipher of length 5.

$ a
> aaaaa

$ b
> jlfnt

$ ba
> jlfnt

$ baa
> jlfnt

... and so on

Another important thing to notice is that adding an a to the suffix of a text doesn’t change its ciphertext. This motivated me to encode blocks using numbers starting from a -> 0 and b -> 1 etc…

Now in the simplest of worlds, this cipher would be a linear cipher and luckily, it looks like it is the case since we’ve already seen that:

If this is indeed the case, then C(Message) = A*Message mod 25 where A is a matrix.

To determine A, we just need to feed unit vectors to the encryption oracle (baaaa, abaaa, …, aaaab), each one will return a column of A.

    |  9, 11,  5, 13, 19 |
    |  4,  0,  6, 14, 21 |
A = | 18,  2,  7, 15, 22 |
    | 20,  1, 10, 16, 23 |
    |  8,  3, 12, 17, 24 |

Solving the challenge is as easy as inverting this matrix in Z_25. This is doable if det(A) != 0 and given by A^-1 = Adj(A)/det(A). Where Adj(A) is the adjugate of A.

I used an online tool to solve this system and it came up with this message: barjavelmaassassinea.

It didn’t work at first, but then I realised that the a in the end doesn’t matter, because the oracle always pads with a to produce multiples of 25.

Thus, the flag is: 404CTF{barjavelmaassassine}.

ASCON Marchombre

This challenge is pretty straightforward: we have to decipher a message from a key and a nonce given to us.

I think the motivation behind this one is to teach us about new encryption algorithms. In this case, the name of the algorithm is given in the challenge name: Ascon.

I found a python library that implements ASCON encryption and decryption, so I used it to solve this challenge:

from pyascon.ascon import *

key = bytes.fromhex("00456c6c616e61206427416c2d466172")
none = b'\x00' * 16
associateddata = bytes.fromhex("80400c0600000000")
ciphertext = bytes.fromhex("ac6679386ffcc3f82d6fec9556202a1be26b8af8eecab98783d08235bfca263793b61997244e785f5cf96e419a23f9b29137d820aab766ce986092180f1f5a690dc7767ef1df76e13315a5c8b04fb782")

).decode('latin')) # Since we are using french
# La voie de l'ombre
# Et du silence
# 404CTF{V3r5_l4_lum1èr3.}
# Ellana

And you can see that the flag is: 404CTF{V3r5_l4_lum1èr3.}